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In the Open Energy Tracker, we graphically depict various energy policy goals in Germany and regularly compare them with the actual status achieved. Many of these targets originate from the "traffic light" government (2021-2024) and are specified for the year 2030, with some going beyond that. The focus is on the expansion of renewable energy sources in the electricity and heating sector, electric mobility and green hydrogen. Key developments in energy consumption, energy prices and greenhouse gas emissions are also presented. For some indicators, monthly updated data is available, for others only annual data. For purely illustrative reasons, a linear progression is usually shown between the current status and the target year (usually December 2030). The exact paths were not specified by the Federal Government for many indicators. We also present linear projections of current trends.

There is a large gap between the current status and the government targets for 2030 for practically all key indicators. This gap is particularly large for installed electrolysis capacity and electric mobility. The installed capacity of offshore wind power and the number of heat pumps are also still relatively far from their 2030 targets.

The government's goals and previous trajectories can also be compared with the results of the Ariadne scenarios for some indicators. These are scenario analyses carried out in the BMBF-funded Copernicus project Ariadne and show different paths to climate neutrality for Germany in 2045. We present both the corridors spanned by all Ariadne scenarios and the results of the respective Ariadne lead model in the so-called Technology Mix Scenario (8Gt_Bal). In the Ariadne scenarios, data are generally only available in five-year steps (2020, 2025, 2030, ...). We have interpolated linearly between these base years. The data of the Ariadne scenarios are available until 2045, and thus allow a longer-term view of plausible developments of the respective indicators. Further visualizations and data on all Ariadne scenarios are available on external websites in the Pathfinder and in the Scenario Explorer.